
New Year's Resolutions

It's a good thing to set goals, but too many of us do so with the best of intentions when we're really only setting ourselves up for failure. The practice of making New Year's resolutions is the prime example of the fact that people (myself included) just don't know how to set realistic, achievable goals for themselves. Few people who ever resolve to "lose weight this year" or "recycle more" ever succeed because these goals just aren't specific enough. Well, we've decided to remedy that problem this year with some specific resolutions we know we can make happen.
The following five resolutions belong to Mrs U.

1.)Consume more Grouper, Mahi-Mahi, Roughy and Salmon on a weekly basis.

2.)Learn the nuances of Lewis Carroll's poetry so as to be able to hold my own against any Jabberwocky expert that comes my way.

3.) To draw/write more often with feverish intensity.

4.) Expand my repertoire of birdcalls to include the Barn Swallow.

5.)And finally the most challenging one, step up my efforts to turn my daughter away from the unfortunate music of rapper 50 Cent to the more soothing sounds of Al Jourgensen.

Mr. U will:

1.) Doodle more frequently in the margins of notebooks.

2.) Write a poem about how difficult it is to write a good poem.

3.) Take more photographs of bizarre road-side advertisements.

4.) Dance with my wife in the frozen food aisle on our next trip to the grocery store.

5.) Not make any negative sounds or gestures the next time my daughter chooses music in the car.

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