Here it is Friday and again it has been several day's since either Mr. U or I have blogged. We were going to try and blog every day but that just doesn't look like it is going to happen, sorry people. See, at least we didn't make it one of our resolutions!
I have been chewing my fingernails ragged because I am going back to school full-time and I sign up for classes next week and I am still undecided about what my 2nd major is going to be! I am definitely going for my early childhood education and I was going for psychology but now I've changed my mind, again. I am an artist at heart and now I am thinking my 2nd degree should be related. I am thinking graphic design. Yes, I am doing a lot of thinking, thus no blogging. I couldn't decide between that and illustrator, but I think defintely graphic design. During the summers when I am not teaching I could work on my art and I would like to design book covers of all things. Eventually I am going to write and illustrate a series of childrens books. I have part of the stories worked out all ready in my head.
Well you all have been great listeners and it has helped me out a lot to talk to you about this dilemma and I want to thank you for your time.
OH! BTW Mr U. and I are attending the BSO tonight to hear Shostakovich and Dvorák. We will give you an update on our experience tomorrow, promise. I have a feeling it is going to be only ok. I LOVE Shost. and I like Dv. ok but to hear them together back to back might be a little weird. They end it with Mozart's Magic Flute Overture. I think someone was smoking a little something to to put these 3 together in a line up BUT we'll see.
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